Bio Ethics

Bio Ethics

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>> Monday, August 20, 2007

Yang pertama: Ethics of Energy Technologies in Asia and the Pacific
Dear Dr Nazif,
We invite you to join the formal launch of a new international project on Ethics of Energy Technologies in Asia and the Pacific at a regional expert meeting on "Ethics of Energy Technologies in Asia and the Pacific" to be held in Bangkok 26-28 September, 2007. This meeting will help set the priorities for the 3 year project, to assemble the partners in a coalition, and be used to construct the road-map for integrating the different parts of the project.
The co-organizers of the September 2007 launch meeting are the Regional Unit in Social and Human Sciences in Asia and the Pacific (RUSHSAP), UNESCO Bangkok, Ministry of Science and Technology, Thailand and Ministry of Energy, Thailand. Other partners will also be considered, and the coalition is open to all who join in a spirit of dialogue and understanding.
This project calls for developing dialogues within each participating country and between countries on the results of research, future research needs, policy lessons and policy recommendations in regard to the ethical issues of energy-related technologies, and related environmental and human security issues. How should each country make decisions on the energy technologies that they develop and which strategies to follow, given the environmental crisis and the variety of proposed benefits and potential risks of different technologies? As countries in the Asia-Pacific region face mounting external pressures to decide on their energy policy, what are the values and questions that exist inside the region for ethical deliberation over the choices for energy?
(1)To promote a deeper public understanding of the complexities of different energy sources and technologies for meeting the region's projected energy needs, including the strengths and weaknesses of energy industries (considering environmental, economic, social and legal aspects).
(2)To de-politicize the discussion around nuclear energy and to promote a deeper understanding of all alternatives, including broader social and ethical aspects of energy and to reflect this in national, and where appropriate, regional policy.
(3)To clarify public perceptions of the ethical and legal issues involved in the global energy debate, addressing basic questions such as: What are the ethical values in different cultures regarding energy and environmental preservation? What are the rights of nation states to develop applications of energy technologies such as nuclear energy that are perceived to pose trans-boundary potential threats, or may predictably affect the environmental commons such as burning of fossil fuels or wave energy?
(4)To promote a deeper understanding of inequity in access to energy technology and provide discussion of the leadership role of developed countries in this regard.
(5)To identify and link interested stakeholders and establish a willing coalition for ongoing dialogues and research that can offer a basis for informed policy choices, including assembling resources, and identification of gaps in the literature and in current dialogue on these issues.
This meeting and project is not intended to duplicate the numerous meetings being held on energy and environment, but to open up ethical and value questions that have often been neglected, and to depoliticize discussions on environmental ethics to produce substantive cross-cultural outputs that will be relevant for long-term policy making within each nation.

Yang kedua : kontak dengan Dr. Dini Latief, MSc, anggota pendiri KBN, yang sekarang ini bertugas sebagai Director, Family and Community Health, WHO SEARO, sejak Januari 2006, di New Delhi, India
Yth Ibu Dini,
Ini untuk melapor bahwa kegiatan KBN sepanjang tahun 2006-2007 ada walaupun tersendat-sendat. Kami tetap mengeluarkan Pewarta KBN setiap 2 bulan sekali. Pertemuan Pokja Stem Cell dan Pokja Sumber Daya Genetika berjalan seadanya, tetapi kami sudah punya rumusan awal untuk diberikan ke para Menteri.
Yang ‘hebat’nya KBN menjadi anggota Asian Bioethics Association, dan tahun depan akan menjadi tuan ruman Asian Bioethics Conference yang ke-9 (November 2008).
Besar harapan kami WHO SEARO akan dapat mengisi salah satu sessionnya, berkenaan dengan isyu yang dihadapi di regional kita ini. Di Bangkok baru-baru ini kita dilapori oleh WHO EMRO tentang penyimpangan etika di kasus korban tsunami dalam public health di Srilanka.
Balasan dari Ibu Dr. Dini Latief, MSc
Yth pak Amru,
Terima kasih yang tak terhingga berkat pak Amru, KBN berjalan lancar walaupun masih bayi, alhamdulillah tumbuh cerdas. Selanjutnya tentu Kabalitbangkes akan aktif bersama LIPI. Jika ada yang bisa saya bantu dari jauh, insya Allah diusahakan. Silahkan via Depkes sebagai member WHO. Saat ini memang Intellectual Property Rights dan Research Ethics menjadi perhatian WHO.

Yang ketiga : permohonan data dan sumber data human subjects regulations
Indonesian research regs for Harvard website‎
From: Kelly Safreed Harmon (
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2007 5:14:18 PM
Dear Dr. Nazif,
I am writing to seek your help with the Global Research Ethics Map, a project that I am managing for the Human Subjects Administration at the Harvard School of Public Health. We are in the process of posting information about human subjects regulations in various countries, including Indonesia, on the Global Research Ethics Map website - .
We launched this publicly accessible resource in November 2006. Our website is intended to help outside researchers understand and comply with ethical guidelines and regulatory practices in the countries where they are working.
Are you familiar with human subjects regulations in Indonesia? If so, would you be willing to answer some questions? If you are not the right person to ask, then perhaps you can suggest other sources?
I am also seeking the following:
national guidelines and other official regulatory documents
information about which government agencies are responsible for human subjects oversight
information about enforcement mechanisms for violations of human subjects rules
A project description is attached. Thank you very much for your assistance.
Best wishes,
Kelly Safreed Harmon.

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