Bio Ethics

Bio Ethics


>> Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Dalam persidangannya yang ke-11 (Eleventh Regular Session) di Roma, 11-15 June 2007, CGRFA mengagendakan upaya mengatasi ‘duplication’ dan ‘gap’ dalam injauan etika: Ethical questions regarding biotechnologies as they relate to genetic resources for food and agriculture

Identifikasi masalah ini disajikan dalam dua butir berikut ini:
A number of forums, panels and policies are active on the issue of ethics regarding
biotechnologies in general e.g.:
the UN Inter-Agency Committee on Bioethics, UNESCO’s World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST),
UNESCOs Bioethics Programme,
the FAO Panel of Eminent Experts on Ethics in Food and Agriculture and
the WHO Ethics and Health Initiative). UNESCO is well advanced in the development of a Declaration on Universal Norms on Bioethics.

The following possible gaps were identified:
• There is no international framework for the consideration of ethical issues in the application and use of biotechnologies, including in the area of food and agriculture.
• There may be a case to develop a Declaration which parallels the structure of the UNESCO declaration specifically for bioethics in relation to biotechnologies relevant to genetic resources for food and agriculture.

Pembahasan di atas ini baik untuk disimak. Di mana-mana hal seperti ini terjadi.
Walaupun tidak selalu merugikan, adanya ‘duplikasi’ perlu disadari sehingga terbuka jalan untuk menengahinya di ‘lapangan’.
Pengamatan seperti ini pula akan mengantar kita pada jalan konstruktif bagi semua pihak untuk maju. [setkbn1009]

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