Bio Ethics

Bio Ethics

Peneliti Indonesia pasca-ABC9 maju terus di forum internasional

>> Tuesday, August 25, 2009

1. Dr Dedi Afandi bersama Metalita Roza Faulina (FK Un Riau) melanjutkan (dari ABC9) telaah bioetika ke forum ABC10 di Tehran, Iran, 24-27 April 2009. Kontribusinya ialah: “Association between Cognitive of Principles Based of Bioethics With Ability of Moral Judgments Among Medical Student at Faculty of Medicine University of Riau” “Principle based of bioethics is one of medical ethics teaching’s material with cognitive approach in medical faculty. It is a relevant method to develop student’s reasoning analysis of medical ethics. The purpose of this study was designed to investigate the association between Cognitive of Principles Based of Bioethics With Ability of Moral Judgments among Medical Student at Faculty of Medicine University of Riau. This cross sectional study was conducted into two groups of medical student at Faculty of Medicine University of Riau that had or hadn’t got yet the knowledge of principle based ethics, total respondents were 40 for each group, respectively. Score of cognitive of principles based of bioethics as a parameter was measure using Kaidah Dasar Bioetika (KDB) test and ability level was measure using Moral Judgment Test MJT. This study showed that cognitive of principles based of bioethics were significantly associated with ability level of Moral Judgments (p=0.001). There were significant association of had got principles based of bioethics material in formal education to cognitive of principles based of bioethics and ability level of Moral Judgments (p <0.001 and p <0.001, respectively). There wasn’t correlation between academic achievement level with knowledge level of principles based bioethics (p=1,170) and ability level of moral judgments (p=0,611). This study suggests principles based bioethics must be place in across the medical curriculum”.

2. Prof. Dr. Agus Purwadianto: “Ethico-legal policy of Avian Influenza’s Problems in Indonesia”

3. Dr Munawar Ahmad, juga berniat akan maju ke ABC10, setelah di ABC9 mengemukakan telaah “Maqashid syaria as basic reason to applying syaria on bioengineering” Sebagai kelanjutannya ybs akan menyampaikan analisis mengenai ““The Spiral of Ethics: when a doctor is a mujtahid”

4. Prof. Dr. Umar A. Jenie juga hadir di ABC10 membawakan makalah dengan tema etika lingkungan hidup: “Environmental Bioethics: Lessons from Pharaonic and Sabaic Societies as stated in the Holy Qur’an”

5. Dr. Ade Firmansyah Sugiharto:”Visitation to School for Disabled/Handicapped Persons as a Bioethics Teaching Method”

6. Nurul Kamilati, M.Pd., M.Ed. dari Balai Diklat Keagamaan Semarang mengikuti the 3rd Global Warming and Climate Change Conference & Industry Exposition (GWCCN 09), 8-12 Mei 2009 di The Hyde Park Hotel, London. Entitled "Bringing Sustainable Development Down to Earth", the GWCCN 09, the conference will highlight the role of individuals, groups and grassroots efforts in ''green-building" initiatives.

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